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    How to be a Prepper and How to Get Started?

    • 5 min read


    In today's unpredictable world, being prepared for unexpected emergencies is becoming increasingly important. Whether it's a natural disaster, an economic crisis, or a societal upheaval, it's essential to have a plan in place to ensure your survival and the survival of your loved ones.

    This is where prepping comes in. Prepping is the act of being ready for emergencies or disasters that may arise, whether natural or man-made. In this article, we'll explore more on how to be a prepper and how to get started.


    What is a Prepper?

    What is a prepper? A prepper is someone who takes an active role in ensuring their own survival and the survival of their loved ones in the event of a disaster or emergency. Preppers focus on being self-sufficient and self-reliant by stockpiling necessary supplies and learning valuable skills.

    They believe in being prepared for any situation, whether it's a natural disaster, economic collapse, or societal unrest. Preppers are often criticized for being overly paranoid, but they argue that being prepared is simply a matter of common sense and practicality.

    What Do You Need to be Prepared?

    There are several essential things that you need to be prepared for emergencies. The prepper checklist includes food and water, a first aid kit, outdoor survival skills, and other prepper supplies to secure your survival. Let’s discuss them further below.


    Food and Water

    One of the most crucial elements of prepping is ensuring that you have enough food and water to sustain yourself and your loved ones during an emergency. In an emergency, access to food and clean water may be limited or cut off completely, so it's essential to have a sufficient stockpile of non-perishable food items and water.

    You should aim to have at least a three-day supply of food and water for each person in your household, but it's best to have a two-week supply if possible. You should also consider investing in water filtration or purification systems to ensure that your water supply is safe to consume.

    Additionally, it's essential to regularly check and rotate your food and water supplies to ensure that they remain fresh and usable in the event of an emergency.

    First Aid Kit

    A first aid kit is an essential component of any emergency preparedness plan. In an emergency, access to medical care may be limited or unavailable, making it essential to have the necessary medical supplies on hand to treat injuries and illnesses.

    Besides, your first aid kit should include items such as bandages, antiseptic ointment, gauze pads, pain relievers, tweezers, scissors, and a thermometer. Additionally, it's essential to ensure that your first aid kit is kept in a cool, dry place and that you regularly check and replace any expired items.

    What’s more, it's also a good idea to take a first aid course or brush up on your skills to ensure that you know how to properly use the items in your kit.

    Outdoor Survival Skills

    In addition to having a stockpile of supplies, it's crucial to have the skills necessary to survive in the outdoors. These skills include starting a fire, building a shelter, finding and purifying water, and identifying edible plants and wildlife.

    In addition, knowing how to use a map and compass and navigate without modern technology is also important. These skills can be learned through books, online resources, or outdoor survivalist prepper courses.

    At last, city preppers and urban preppers need to prioritize their mental and physical well-being, as well as practice essential survival skills regularly. Practicing these skills regularly can increase self-reliance and confidence in the face of adversity.

    Other Supplies to Secure Your Survival

    Aside from food, water, first aid supplies, and outdoor survival skills, there are other supplies that can help secure your survival during an emergency. These include:
    • Clothing and bedding
    It's essential to have warm clothing and bedding, especially in colder climates. Pack extra blankets and warm clothing in your emergency kit.
    • Lighting / Power Generator

    In the event of a power outage, you'll need a source of light. Pack flashlights, batteries, candles, and matches in your emergency kit. Or, you should consider to have a solar generator like Anker 757 Solar Generator by your side to power your lights. Solar generators allow you to be self-sufficient and generate your own energy. This means you can continue to power not only the lights but also other essential appliances and electronics, even if the grid goes down. Overall, solar generators can be a valuable tool for preppers, providing energy independence and portable benefits.

    • Communication

    A means of communication is critical during an emergency. Consider investing in a battery-powered radio, a whistle, or a signal mirror
    • Tools
    Basic tools such as a multi-tool, hammer, and nails can be useful in building shelters or making repairs.
    • Cash
    In an emergency, ATMs may not be accessible, so it's a good idea to have cash on hand for necessities.
    • Important documents

    Keep important documents such as identification, insurance papers, and copies of important records in a waterproof container.



    In conclusion, being prepared for emergencies is crucial for everyone. Whether what will happen, being prepared can make all the difference in ensuring your survival and the survival of your loved ones. It's also important to regularly check and replace your supplies and practice your survival skills to ensure that you're prepared for any situation. By taking practical steps on how to be a prepper, you can reduce the impact of bad situations and increase your chances of survival.

    FAQ about How to be a Prepper

    Is It a Good Idea to be a Prepper?

    Whether or not being a prepper is a good idea for you depends on your circumstances and priorities. However, being a prepper is highly beneficial in today's society. By being prepared, not only can you ensure the self-sufficiency of yourself and your loved ones, but you can also offer assistance to others during emergencies with access to food, expertise, and practical skills.

    What Should a Prepper Buy First?

    When starting as a prepper, water is crucial for survival, and having a supply of clean water should be a top priority. Non-perishable food, a first aid kit, a light source with extra batteries, a communication device, a multi-tool, and warm clothing and blankets are also important to have. These supplies can help ensure your survival in a crisis.

    What Do Preppers Forget?

    Preppers may forget to prioritize their mental health and physical fitness. In an emergency, mental and physical well-being is crucial for survival. Preppers should have coping strategies and mental health resources available to manage stress and anxiety.

    Physical fitness can also be important for survival, and preppers should prioritize exercise and training. Additionally, preppers may forget to consider the emotional needs of their loved ones and may not have a plan in place for how to address these needs during an emergency.