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    The Benefits of Living Off-Grid with Solar Generators

    • 11 min read

    The last decade has seen an explosion in the popularity of alternative lifestyles. Fuelled by the global pandemic, digital working is now increasingly standard, and there has been a general move towards less traditional ways of living.

    This sea-change in culture is linked with increased ecological awareness.House prices are rising, creating a generation choosing to live off-grid and produce their own energy using solar power.

    This is no Instagram fad – figures estimate that250,000 people are now living off-gridin the USA. On YouTube, Good Simple Living and Wild Wonderful Off-Grid show families using their skills to create aesthetic off-grid lives. Together with van-lifers, and tiny house aficionados, they are looking to reduce their carbon footprint, and live a more sustainable life.

    An off-grid lifestyle can still come with many uncertainties. Technology can be harnessed for good, as well as bad. Solar generators are a great example of this, providing reliable power solutions for anyone living an environmentally-conscious life.

    If that’s you, then read on. In this article, we get into what it means to live off-grid in 2023, the benefits and difficulties you can experience, and how using solar generators can help you to power your new lifestyle.

    What is Off-Grid Living?

    Off-grid living is a lifestyle choice that allows people to disconnect from the traditional grid-tied electricity system and generate their own power through renewable energy sources such as solar power or wind.

    As the energy crisis bites in the US and Europe, families are increasingly aware of how dependent they are on the external factors that affect their bills. Solar power gives us all greater autonomy and self-sufficiency in our energy consumption, as well as providing a significant reduction in monthly utility costs.

    More people than ever are choosing to live off-grid

    Why Are People Choosing to Go Off-Grid?

    It’s no secret - the traditional electrical grid system is under huge strain. Aging infrastructure, geo-political events, and dependence on fossil fuels have led to rising energy costs for everyday consumers. In the last few years, these issues have come to a head, motivating more and more people to consider off-grid living as an alternative. This environmentally-conscious way of life allows you to take control of your energy production and consumption while reducing both your costs and your environmental impact.

    For the first time, off-grid living is a viable and exciting alternative for many people. Advances in technology and the reduction in the cost of equipment like portable solar generators make it more accessible than ever. As consumers become more aware of the limitations of traditional energy systems, off-grid living may be the future. Technology is moving us in the right direction, with off-grid solar generators now more popular than ever before.

    With over 3 million people in the States now living full-time in a vanhuge increasein the popularity of tiny houses, mobile energy sources are more relevant than ever before. Portable solar generators can be used as an alternative energy source for anyone living in vans, RVs, or tiny houses, or for anyone just looking to reduce their reliance on the grid and become more environmentally conscious. Mobile energy sources represent a sustainable alternative to traditional power sources.

    Going Off-Grid Benefits the Environment

    Climate change is no longer up for debate – 67% of Americans now believe the government should be doing more to combat climate change. We have accepted that we are impacting our planet negatively, and people are taking more and more measures to reduce their own carbon footprint.

    Using sustainable energy sources is also an easy way for people to lessen their dependence on fossil fuels. By disconnecting from the grid, it’s possible to lower the environmental impact of your energy production while still having access to reliable power sources. The benefits of going off-grid are countless, so let’s dig into them a little more.

    Less Dependence on Fossil Fuels

    We’ve touched upon it already, but it’s worth reiterating - going off-grid reduces our reliance on traditional sources of electricity like coal and natural gas, which are not only expensive but also produce large amounts of greenhouse gasses. Going off-grid eliminates this problem by utilizing renewable energy sources, such as solar or wind power. As a source of energy, these release less harmful emissions into the atmosphere.

    Less Strain on the Grid

    While still using the electricity grid for our energy, it makes sense to minimize our dependence on it. Going off-grid takes the strain off the existing system, especially in areas where demand for electricity exceeds supply – or during peak usage times like summer months when air conditioners are running full blast. Minimizing our use of the grid helps to prevent blackouts caused by overloading, an increasingly likely risk in the current climate, and keeps costs down for everyone.

    Lower Environmental Impact

    Perhaps most importantly, going off-grid can help conserve resources by reducing waste associated with traditional forms of energy production such as mining operations or drilling for oil. Renewable energy requires no extraction so it won’t deplete natural resources or cause damage to ecosystems. This makes it a much more sustainable option than its non-renewable counterparts.

    Solar generators provide an ideal solution here - they offer clean, efficient power at a fraction of the cost of traditional methods. It’s really a win-win for anyone considering a change; by transitioning to an off-grid lifestyle, you can reduce your environmental impact while reaping huge financial benefits.

    But how much will you really save by making the switch? Let’s delve into the numbers a little more, and look at why going off-grid is a great option for reducing long-term costs.

    The Financial Benefits of Going Off-Grid

    It’s great to be socially and environmentally conscious, but let’s be honest – many of us are scraping by and have serious financial commitments. Doing the right thing has to be mutually beneficial. Luckily, solar power is just that – a solution that benefits your finances as well as the planet. The financial advantages of sustainable energy solutions like off-grid solar generators are well-established.

     Off-grid tiny house with solar panels in yard

    Reduced Energy Costs

    With solar power you are no longer paying for electricity from the grid. Although we are exploring the benefits of being off-grid, a hybrid arrangement using traditional solar power (the type of panels you often see fixed to a roof, for example) will let you sell your energy back to the supplier in some cases. In essence, you are generating your own power using renewable sources, and then selling it to the people you were once buying from, saving you money. Meanwhile, portable solar panels, although they might not generate as much power, still represent a significant saving on your normal costs.

    Energy Independence

    By going off-grid you are increasing your energy independence. This means you no longer need to rely on external sources of energy, such as utility companies. Instead, all your power needs are met by your own solar generator system. A recent study showed that network maintenance can account for 45% of the typical energy bill - with such a large proportion of your bill going towards these costs, going off-grid means you are saving money from the moment you make the switch.

    Lower Long-term Costs

    By using renewable energy sources, you are taking a long-term view of your finances. These technologies require minimal maintenance costs once installed compared to traditional electricity grids, which are subject to rate hikes and unexpected fees. Once installed, some estimate that a full solar system on a home will pay for itself in as little as 6 years, meaning that once you have recovered the initial outlay, all the money saved will be benefitting you and your family. Even better, portable solar generators have a much lower initial cost, so you could start reaping the financial rewards even sooner!

    Build Your Community by Going Off-Grid

    Going off-grid can be a great decision financially, but it also has many social benefits. By disconnecting from the grid, you have an opportunity to become more self-sufficient and create a sense of community with others living in the same way. This is part of the reason for the popularity of the movement – people are drawn to the huge number of van-lifers and off-gridders on social media, and the message they are getting is clear: simplicity equals freedom.


    Going off-grid means having greater control over your lifestyle and resources. When you’re not connected to the power grid, you are responsible for generating your own electricity through renewable energy sources, but it also means you don’t have to rely on utility companies for power. In short, you are self-sufficient.

    This lifestyle encourages independence which can help you to feel empowered and in control of your life. It also helps to reduce stress levels, as you are no longer worrying about bills associated with public utility services. This gives people an opportunity to increase their self-reliance, and depend less on big businesses for basic needs like food and fuel supplies.

    Building Community

    Going off-grid also provides opportunities to build relationships with others in the local area who are also living without access to traditional utilities. These communities often come together around shared interests such as sustainability, permaculture, and homesteading. For those who live off-grid and return to a more traditional agriculture system, many are once again growing their own food and sharing it with others.

    It makes perfect sense – reducing your reliance on big business takes many forms. Why would you eschew the energy companies only to be held hostage by rising food prices at the store? This is a movement that prioritizes personal independence and reduces the impact that we are having on the planet.

    Knowledge-sharing Off-Grid

    Living off-grid gives communities a chance to share skills and knowledge related to renewable energy systems. Knowledge of technology like solar panel installation, battery maintenance, and ways to use portable power stations is fun to share with other like-minded people; this is part of the value of a small, tight-knit community.

    The social benefits of going off-grid are clear, but there are also psychological and emotional benefits of disconnecting your power from mainstream sources. Let’s look at these ideas in more detail.

    Living a Sustainable Life and Improved Well-being

    Living off-grid can have a profound effect on one's mental and emotional well-being. When you disconnect from the grid, you are essentially taking back control of your life and becoming more self-reliant. This sense of autonomy can be empowering and liberating and can be the start of families rebuilding a sense of community with other people locally.

    Privacy and Security

    Privacy is a major reason many choose to go off-grid. Unfortunately, there have been ways to use portable power stations from customers, and this is why many people are resistant to being ‘on the system’. When you’re off-grid, you have less worry about being monitored or tracked by utility companies or government agencies, so you can enjoy greater peace of mind knowing that your personal information is secure.

    Reduced Dependence on Technology

    Becoming less dependent on technology can help to reduce stress levels, as well as improve our overall quality of life. By relying less on gadgets and devices, we're able to focus more on ourselves and our families, rather than constantly reacting to notifications and updates on our phones.

    A Deeper Connection to Nature

    Nature is a great healer, and practices like ‘forest bathing’ have been shown to greatly reduce anxiety. Living these alternative lifestyles help us to reconnect with nature in ways that many people may not even realize they need until they experience it first-hand. Being surrounded by natural beauty has been proven to increase feelings of joy and contentment – something that cannot always be achieved when stuck inside all day staring at a computer screen.

    You can make a choice to disconnect from the intensity of everyday life, reconnect with nature, and experience a sense of greater peace. There are still challenges that come along with this lifestyle, however. Now let’s review some of the common issues people face and how you can overcome them.

    Living Off-Grid – Things to Consider

    Living off-grid can be an incredibly rewarding experience, but the reality is that it can be hugely challenging. Before making the switch, there are a few considerations that need to be taken into account.

    Setup Costs

    Setting up and maintaining renewable energy systems such as solar panels or wind turbines can be expensive upfront. It’s worth mentioning that many governments will incentivize the use of green technology and energy-saving measures, so it’s worth inquiring about this before you embark on your journey. The key advantage of portable solar energy is the ease of installation compared to other systems - it is designed to be ‘plug and play’, with as minimal a learning curve as possible.

    Living in Remote Areas

    Living in remote or rural locations can present unique challenges when it comes to access to services like internet and cell phone coverage. While it’s nice to get away from technology, the reality is we probably don’t want to be completely cut off from civilization. Limited cell service may mean that you have limited options when it comes to entertainment or communication with friends and family.

    Limited Resources

    When living off-grid, resources like water must often be conserved carefully since they cannot easily be replenished. It is important to plan ahead so that your home does not run out of essential resources during periods of drought or natural disasters that could cause shortages in supply chains. To many, this is a big culture shift – rather than turning on a tap, we need to think more carefully about our use. This, of course, is all part of living a more conscious life.

    Living off-grid is a challenge, but with the right knowledge and equipment, it can be done.Solar generators are an ideal solution for providing reliable power in remote locations, so let's take a more detailed look at how they work to power your home.

    Solar Generators: An Easy Off-Grid Power Source

    In a world where we take for granted that electricity will be available whenever we need it, it's easy to forget where energy comes from. The sun gives us life, causing food to grow and the energy stored in it is ultimately what fuels us as people. In a similar vein, solar generators produce clean, renewable energy from the sun's rays, making it ideal for those looking to live off-grid full-time.

    Once in use, you no longer have to worry about running out of fuel or paying bills. Because solar panels can be used almost anywhere with sunlight, they provide a great option for those living in remote areas where other forms of power may not be available.

    Solar generators are also portable and easy to use compared to other types of power sources. Wind turbines require a large footprint, and diesel generators are dirty and impractical. Solar generators, by contrast, are lightweight and compact enough to be transported easily, making them perfect for generating power outdoors. They can also be easily moved inside to power other devices wherever needed.

    Advantages of Anker PowerHouse Solar Generators

    Solar generators in the Anker PowerHouse range are perfect for those moving to an off-grid lifestyle. Let’s explore the main features of these ground-breaking generators.


    Anker’s line of portable power stations and solar panels are designed with convenience and portability in mind. With ergonomic grip handles and mobile design, they can easily be carried around or stored away when not in use.


    Anker’s portable power stations are built with industrial-grade components and feature an impact-resistant structural design to ensure long-lasting performance, as much as 6 times longer than cheaper alternatives. They also offer protection against harsh weather conditions, such as the Anker 531 Solar Panel, which features an IP67 waterproof rating, making it perfect for adventurous lifestyles and year-round use in the elements.


    Anker's power stations offer massive battery capacity—as much as 4,096Wh—enough for several days off-grid or to power up multiple devices and appliances. As an all-in-one power solution, they are also equipped with an array of ports including USB-A, USB-C, AC outlets, and DC outlets, so you can easily charge your essential devices without the need for any additional hardware or accessories.  

    Safe to Use

    All Anker generators have been rigorously tested to safety standards to ensure the highest level of safety in design. They combine the reliability of LiFePO4 batteries with a smart temperature control system that prevents overheating or unstable conditions, giving you peace of mind anytime you need off-grid power.

    Take a Step Towards a Sustainable Future with Anker

    Off-grid living comes with a unique sense of belonging and community spirit. Many of us feel increasingly isolated in our own lives, losing touch with things that make us human – a relationship with nature, human touch, and community. It doesn’t have to be this way - technology can let you transition to a different kind of life and cut away the ties of the things that are making us unhappy.

    Making a move to living off-grid is part of the solution, and it’s easier than ever before. The transition may not always be comfortable, but the benefits are clear. Instead of living at the whim of energy companies, you can use solar generators to provide safe, clean power for you and your family, while increasing the sense of community with those around you.

    With Anker, you can take a step towards a more sustainable future and re-invigorate your relationship with the natural world, without sacrificing your lifestyle.